The momentum for planting a community orchard gathered pace during the pandemic when the impact on wellbeing of physical isolation was becoming increasingly apparent. A small group got together with the aim to create a beautiful, wildlife-rich space where people could come together to socialise and work on a community project.

The Duchy of Cornwall was very supportive, suggesting a Duchy-owned 3.5 acre field on the edge of Corston. In June 2021 we incorporated as a Community Interest Company (company number: 13465339). With the help of our funders and many members of the community we planted an orchard, nuttery, copses and hedging in January 2022. In June 2022 we held our first event - we celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with live music and family friendly activities.

We always welcome community involvement - please get in touch and come along to one of our open sessions where we do a range of practical tasks - the grass grows very quickly in spring and summer and the more hands the better!
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